Aug 7, 2012

Important updates

Team, a few key items to know over next two weeks.

1. Team time trial Friday 10th. I am looking for some parents to help transport kids up to south fork that morning. We will meet at Orem and carpool up.

2. We had Provo river 1/2 on the schedule but will not be participating this year.

3. Uniforms will be handed out next week, please ensure all paper work (tryout checklist, parent permission medical form b or if no physical on file form a with dr physical included) is turned in.

4. Thursday 16th is our first meet of the year. we will meet at Orem 4:30 and take a team bus to kiwanis park in Provo. Girls will race at 6:30, boys at 7 pm. We will be doing a parent meeting after the boys race. Please make every effort to attend. We are also looking to do team photos on Thursday, working on time. Will let you know.

5. We will be doing the hobble creek water stops on saturday the 18th and will Need as much support as possible. Team, family and friends are always great and its a fun event to help with. (more details will be posted soon.If anyone has a trailor we can use that morning please let me know.


Coach Andy Jacobs

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